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| async def write_data(user, mat): users = await read_data() if str(user) in users: return False with open("match.json", "w") as f: json.dump(users, f) return Ture
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| @bot.command(pass_context = True) async def rand(ctx): users, mat = await write_data(ctx.author, mat = 0) get = await match_data(ctx.author, mat) cat = random.randint(0, 4) await ctx.send(lucky[int(cat)]) await ctx.send("本日次數已用完")
所以我們可以利用計數的方式,去讓它做一個中止點。在上面先假設了mat = 0,之後就依照所求去做斷點。
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| if mat == 1: get = await match_data(ctx.author, mat) cat = random.randint(0, 4) await ctx.send(lucky[int(cat)]) else: await ctx.send("本日次數已用完")
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| async def write_data(user, mat): return Ture
我們需要知道在json裡面的key and value,但這邊要先設想一個情況,如果key根本沒在json裡怎麼辦
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| users[str(user.id)] = {} users[str(user.id)]["count"] = 0
再來,我們處理json key的部分
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| if str(user.id) not in users : users[str(user.id)] = {} users[str(user.id)]["count"] = 0 mat = 1
如果key不在裡面,就創建一個附與給他,然後直接給它一個mat = 1
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| users[str(user.id)]["count"] = 0 mat = 1
如果說,我們是用 mat 來計數的話,那我們還要處理一下這個部分
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| if users[str(user.id)]["count"] == 0: users[str(user.id)] = {} users[str(user.id)]["count"] = 1 mat = 1
然後我們處理一下 match_data()
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| async def match_data(user, mat): users = await read_data()
這邊我主要是改mat的值,因為不管怎麼說,使用了!rand指令後,不管有沒有在json檔裡面,創建好{ }後,value都會直接變成1
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| if mat == 1: mat = 2 return True, mat
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| from discord.ext import commands import discord from discord.ext.commands import bot from core.any import Cog_Extension import json import random
lucky = ["lucky~~~", "not bad", "Soso", "green hat", "fuck your self"]
class randomLucky(Cog_Extension): @commands.command() async def rand(self,ctx): users, mat = await write_data(ctx.author, mat = 0) if mat == 1: get = await match_data(ctx.author, mat) cat = random.randint(0, 4) await ctx.send(lucky[int(cat)]) else: await ctx.send("本日次數已用完")
async def read_data(): with open("match.json", "r") as file: users = json.load(file) return users async def write_data(user, mat): users = await read_data() if str(user) in users: return False if str(user.id) not in users : users[str(user.id)] = {} users[str(user.id)]["count"] = 0 mat = 1 if users[str(user.id)]["count"] == 0: users[str(user.id)] = {} users[str(user.id)]["count"] = 1 mat = 1 with open("match.json", "w") as f: json.dump(users, f) return True, mat
async def match_data(user, mat): users = await read_data() if mat == 1: mat = 2 return True, mat
def setup(bot): bot.add_cog(randomLucky(bot))
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| class randomLucky(commands.cog): def __init__(self, bot): self.bot = bot
async def setup(bot: commands.Bot): await bot.add_cog(randomLucky(bot))